Friday, 4 May 2012

The Ideology of Legacies in Mega Events

Legacies have become a prominent part of any event management process. For some events, the issue of a legacy has become central to the decision to host or create them (Bowdin et al, 2011). The idea of a legacy has become more important due to the increased globalisation and commercialisation of sport, as organisers see the increased benefits that the event can bring. Conversely, it is evident legacies are often talked about, but in reality, are very difficult to achieve. The legacy is often dubbed as a “highly effective sales pitch that is never fully realised” (Guardian, 2011). The focus is on the short term legacies, which is often how the Games are judged to those outside of the host nations. After looking at different examples of legacies, it is clear that those events that have planned effectively and placed high importance on the legacy can succeed. This is a positive sign for the London Olympics, as there is a high motivation to succeed. The best legacies are those that look to the long term. This is difficult to achieve and is often a risky strategy, but mega events can have a lasting impact on the event destination in many ways.

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